
Designed for the client-focused, modern real estate and mortgage professionals, the AgentMemo platform offers:

  • Branded mobile app free for clients to download
  • Robust web management dashboard
  • Transaction management and communication system
  • User and member management
  • Unlimited transactions and users
  • Instant notifications to parties in transactions
  • Confidential document collections
  • Private messaging with clients and individual members
  • Time-stamped activity history
  • Easy one-click referral system




Transaction MemoTM

Clients watch their transactions with you in real time. You can create, share, and manage listings, purchases and mortgage applications. They can view/add activities, documents, home reports, offers and comments, calendar of deadlines and contingencies, get alerts and updates from lenders and titles, etc. They can also chat with you or your team from anywhere in the world. This comprehensive transaction management system is built into your mobile app and also available via your client-dedicated website. Go ahead and show clients how hard you work for them behind the scenes. They will love the new experience.

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Local MemoTM

The portability of smart phones makes it easy for users to carry around, and to receive relevant information any time any place. It’s easier than ever before for real estate agents to send out timely advices. Clients love to hear from their agents often. Everything local – you can send announcements and updates, include documents, pictures, web pages, news clips, as well as Facebook and Twitter feeds. Users can enable or disable notifications, and still be able to view them later. Let them know you think of them often.

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One-tap ReferralsTM

Referrals have always been the lifeblood of any lasting and successful real estate business. Happy customers also love to refer their friends. Connecting the two sides however has never been easy, resulting in low referrals even for the best agents. Your AgentMemo app solves this problem with one-tap referrals. Users can tap a button in the app to open up their phone or email contacts and send a link to let friends download your app and contact you, all under a minute.

Your Own Brand

Create your own modern branded app to be installed on clients’ phones. Use a cover image and your picture or logo. Home screen also includes your profile and professional bio, reasons to keep you in their hands and pockets all the time. Your AgentMemo mobile app and custom transaction website help define your up-to-date, client-focused, modern brand that cares about today’s customers. Turn your name into a new brand of customer service in the digital age.

Options to Interact

The way customers communicate have dramatically changed over the past few years.  Give clients more ways to interact with you. Besides the familiar human interactions, you can further enhance the customer experience. Allow them to engage with you on new digital channels. Your AgentMemo app lets them find you, send messages, call, get market updates, and view live transactions all in one convenient place.

Technology and Security

Your mobile app is available on both IOS and Android app stores, and updated regularly for enhancements. The web dashboard is also available for both you and your clients. Your data and privacy is of utmost importance. It is protected with multiple layers of security, including leading encryption technology like HTTPS and Transport Layer Security, and secured in the cloud provided by leaders in the hosting industry. We maintain administrative, physical, and technical safeguards for protection of the security, confidentiality and integrity of your data. Our front-end and back-end technologies are specifically designed to deliver speed and efficiency.


Go all-in with mobile
Meet customers anywhere anytime

Ready to give your real estate business a modern digital makeover?

Create a Free account


Fully encrypted connections ensures your data arrive safely and stored in our maximum security data centers.

Instant Status

The status of your transaction is always updated in real-time with instant notifications sent to your device.

Available 24/7/365

An always-on system lets you interact, check, update, and communicate with your team 24/7/365.


Reach your support team anytime. They’re all here to guide you through an otherwise complex transaction.


Upload and view confidential documents related to your transaction. Rest assured they’re secure and safe with us.


Every activity is recorded, time-stamped to help us best manage your transaction from beginning to the end.

Private Messages

Chat privately with anyone on the team using our secure messaging system, which will find them anywhere.

Fast & Efficient

Our front-end and back-end technologies are specifically designed to deliver speed and efficiency.

From working with thousands of real estate and mortgage professionals and completed transactions

Mortgage Expertise

Number of transactions completed over 10,000
Number of agents over 3,000
Years in industry 16

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